
Photography Technique - Time Lapse Photography

Time lapse is an amazing technique for capturing moving scenery in photo form. You can create absolutely fantastic looking movies with this technique by just follow these few simple steps.

1 - Choose your camera - your camera must have a "time lapse" setting, otherwise you may need to use a battery grip or leave your camera plugged into a laptop, there are various free programmes you can download for free that will capture an image at regular interval.

2 - Frame your shot - This is SO important. You do no want to spend hours doing a time lapse only to discover your shot was framed horribly. So check, re check, and check again.

3 - Deciding your intervals -The faster you camera takes a picture, the quicker your movie will look. there is no hard and fast rule. Experiment, experiment, and experiment some more.

4 - Set your camera to take the photos - leave it and come back when its done.

5 - Now its time to stitch them together I used 'time lapse assembler' (there are tons of free programmes just do a search for time lapse assembler)

6 - Make any edits you want to in your favourite video editing software and you're done!

Here are a few examples i've done..

Play around, there are many different effect you can get using this effect. I've done hundreds and am happy with them all.

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