
Nikon Vs Canon - The ultimate question

I'm faced with this questions all too many times, What's better, Nikon or Canon?

The answer? There is no answer.

Many new photographers face this question when starting out. Nearly everyone, when buying a professional set up narrows it down to either of these 2 brands, and rightly so. In my opinion both Nikon and Canon are miles ahead of any other brands out there.

Now, it's crunch time. The fact of the matter is, both Nikon and Canon make top spec professional cameras, so whatever you buy you can trust you're getting a camera that'll last. It is however important, to pick on and stick with it. You'll find that you will build up a collection of lenses and other accessories to fit your brand, and you'll never want to change, so it is an important decision.

This is the way I look at it, if you're buying a camera for less than £1000 Buy Nikon.
If you're buying a camera for more than £1000 by Canon.

This appears to be the general feel throughout the profession, that Canon are slightly better at the top spec stuff while Nikon are miles ahead when it comes to entry level cameras.

So I hope this has helped you chose or even just slightly put your mind at rest, but remember it's a personal choice. Chose what you feel most comfortable holding in your hands, which is why I suggest going to shops and holding them, getting a feel for what you like.

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