
Stop Motion - A quick how to.

Stop motion is easy to do, and can create fun results. It's not hard nor tricky to do, just time consuming. If you have self discipline and are interested in creating stop motion movies, there are endless ways you can experiment with this technique.

1. Chose the subject for your stop motion (Figures, Lego men, People etc)
2. Ensure your camera is securely fastened onto a tripod, and ideally you have a remote shutter release set up.
3. Put the subject in the start place, and decide where you want it to end up, and how.
4. It's very much a "Take a photo" "move a bit" repeat.
5. Take your first photo.
6. Move the subject slightly
7. Take your 2nd photo
8. Move a bit.
9. Repeat.

10. Once you have all your photos you'll need "Time lapse assembler" to stitch them all together, you want at least 15 Fps (Frames Per Second)

And thats it, you're done! You can have so much fun, and the list of ideas is as long as your imagination!

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