
Photoshop Tutorial - Using the gradient tool

The gradient tool is a really nice feature to Photoshop CS1 and above. It can create really nice backgrounds, textures, font colours and is key if you're into web design.

The gradient tool is found over the fill tool.

A few tips when using the gradient.

- Dont gradiate colours that don't go in real life, or that you wouldn't use together.

- Try to gradiate two shades of the same colour where possible.

- The darker colour 99 times out of 100 should be at the bottom.

Select the gradient tool Paint bucket tool > Gradient tool

Select you're foreground and background colour as to what you want it

Select weather you want Radial or Linear gradient :

Then simply click and drag where you want to on your document and you're done!!

A good use of gradients can be seen here:

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